Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a treatment that involves the administration of ozone, a colorless gas composed of three oxygen atoms (O3), into the body for therapeutic purposes. The idea behind ozone therapy is to harness the potential health benefits of ozone, which has antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties.

Here are some common methods of administering ozone therapy:

1. Ozonated Water: Ozone is bubbled through water, and the patient drinks the ozonated water.

2. Ozonated Oil: Ozone is bubbled through oil, creating a gel or paste that can be applied topically for skin conditions.

3. Ozone Sauna: The patient sits in a sauna while ozone is introduced into the air.

4. Autohemotherapy: Blood is drawn from the patient, mixed with ozone, and then reinfused.

5. Rectal Insufflation: Ozone gas is introduced into the rectum.

6. Ozone Injections: Ozone gas is injected into specific areas of the body.

Benefits of ozone therapy :

• Antimicrobial Properties: Ozone is believed to have the ability to kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

• Improved Circulation: Ozone therapy is thought to enhance blood flow and oxygen delivery to tissues.

• Immune System Modulation: Some proponents suggest that ozone therapy can modulate the immune system, potentially enhancing immune function.

• Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Ozone therapy is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.


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